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YouTube Camp Group Videos
Dorothy- Maggie Toto- Molly
Lion- Esme Tornado- Avery
Scarecrow- Kat Tinman- Zippy
Toot Sweet!
Dick Van Dyke- Kat Truly Scrumptious- Maggie
Featuring Skylar as Alice, Maggie as the Queen, Julia as the Rabbit, Addie as the Caterpillar, Kat as the Mad Hatter, Emma as the Guard Card, and Kennedy as a flower!
Featuring Maggie as the Detective!
Featuring Pink Panther as PINK PANTER!!!
Featuring Naomi as the Evil Pirate!
Julia H. as the maiden and Julia R. as Chonk!
Featuring Julia R. as Donkey Kong
Featuring Naomi as Red!
Julia H. as Miss Kitty and the Marshall
and Julia R. as Chester
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